This is the first question many people ask of a driver trainer. As parents we have invested a large amount of money to raise our children. Food, shelter, education, clothes, swimming, singing and dancing lessons to mention a few. We do it because we love them and want the best opportunities for them. Why is it that when it’s time for our kids to get in the car and learn to drive we stop spending for their future? Why is it that the majority of people see professional driving lessons as a minor need to their child’s education? Why at a time when they are at the highest risk of being involved in a collision, professional training is a low priority.

On average learners spend around six lessons with a driver trainer, a cost of around $360 (2016 average) depending on the trainer. Six hours of the 120 hours needed before a licence test in Victoria, that’s only time enough to get started. How do they learn all the necessary skills to practice before driving with family and friends in such a short time?

Professionals of the Australian Driver Trainers Association Victoria recognise and support the role supervising drivers play in achieving the 120 hours required prior to the licence test. We encourage them to participate in the driving lessons with their young drivers and use this experience to reinforce the knowledge gained.

Once more, how much for a driving lesson? Maybe the question we should be asking is, what is a driving lesson worth to you?

(John Tserkezidis, ADTAV Council Member)

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